Archives for June 28, 2013

Coupon: Free Dempsters Vegetable Garden Bread


Update: The Free Product Coupons are all gone. You can however still get the coupon for $1.50.

Keep an eye on Dempsters Facebook page – each day they are giving away 3,000 coupons for Free Vegetable Bread. This giveaway will happen between 9am and 5pm EST. They will announce when this goes live. Go ahead and “like” their Facebook page so when they make the announcement, it will show up in your Facebook feed. If you miss out on the freebie, you can still print a coupon for $1.50 off.

Rebate: Tylenol Nighttime (Quebec)


Quebec residents can get a $4.50 Rebate on Tylenol Nighttime Sleep Aid Pain Reliever. Just print off the form, fill in your information and mail it to the address provided. Don’t forget to include your original receipt and UPC from the box. You should receive your rebate in about 8 weeks. This offer expires June 30, 2013.