Archives for July 27, 2013

Win Year’s Supply of Popcorn


What flavour of popcorn would you like to see on the shelves? Enter Kernels Annual Flavour Contest with your interesting flavour suggestion and you could Win a year’s worth of Kernels popcorn, a $25 Kernels Virtual Gift Card or one of five $10 Virtual Gift Cards. Contest ends on August 1, 2013.

Free Sample Replens Feminine Care


You can get a Free sample of Replens Feminine Care product. Simply click “like” on their Facebook page, fill in the form with your information, and click “done”. You must be 18 years old or older to qualify for this offer. Limit of 1 sample per household while supplies last. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery of your Free sample.

From their page: Replens Long-Lasting Feminine Moisturizer has been shown to be effective in multiple clinical studies and has been recommended in both prestigious medical journals and popular women’s magazines.